
FHA Vs Conventional

FHA Vs Conventional

One of the questions that I get on a daily basis is what are the differences between a Conventional Loan and a FHA loan. At first glance the FHA loan appears as if it is a better option. It has a lower interest rate, lower down payment, lower FICO score required and higher debt-to-income ratios […]

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The Countrywide Foreclosure List – Finding Secret Bank Owned Properties

The Countrywide Foreclosure List – Finding Secret Bank Owned Properties

The Countrywide foreclosure list offers thousands of nationwide bank owned properties; many of which are sold at deeply discounted prices. Once the nation’s largest independent mortgage lender, Countrywide was bought out by Bank of America in 2008 for a whopping $4.1 billion. BOA assumed a massive portfolio of ‘toxic assets’ consisting of preforeclosure and foreclosed […]

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The Big 3 Loan Types, FHA, Conventional and VA Explained

The Big 3 Loan Types, FHA, Conventional and VA Explained

In the world of lending there are countless factors involved in a securing a loan for a home purchase. This article will give you an overview of the three main loan programs available. When you begin researching loan programs, be sure to contact a mortgage professional for more information and the latest market updates and […]

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What Joint Term Life Insurance is All About

What Joint Term Life Insurance is All About

There are so much terms, phrases and policies in the life insurance market and it is very common to find yourself getting confused especially when you are not very familiar with it. Anyway, as you learn, you will notice there are various types such as whole life and term insurance. However, under the two categories, […]

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6 Financial Rules of Thumb

6 Financial Rules of Thumb

I wonder how many of you are big-time readers. You know the kind, the ones who can read a book a week or sift through endless reams of data and advice to help them develop a financial plan that will lead them down the path to prosperity. However, if you’re like most people and don’t […]

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Inflation and the Rising Tide – Protecting Your Assets From the Storm

Inflation and the Rising Tide – Protecting Your Assets From the Storm

There is an old expression: A rising tide lifts all boats. A rising tide can also swamp them. And as signs of improvement in the economy appear on the horizon, there is a real possibility of inflation coming in with the tide. Why worry about inflation? Well, inflation is an investor’s worst nightmare. For individuals […]

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