Instructions to Waterproof Your Basement

Instructions to Waterproof Your Basement

These days everyone seems to be on a tight budget and more and more people are purchasing so-called “fixer-upper homes”. Have you recently purchased a home that needs some work? Once you move into your home you realize there are moisture issues in your basement. One day you may decide you want to finish your basement, but your budget won’t allow you to make a major renovation. For the safety of you and your family, you have to rid the space of moisture and dampness.

Issues with Moisture

Most homeowners don’t realize their basement has issues with moisture until they see mold or mildew growing in the space, or detect foul odors and smells. Some symptoms of moisture include moist or clammy cement walls, cement floors, water seepage, bad smells, odors, or puddles of water. The walls and floors could also feel cold depending on the time of year, but the walls and floors in your basement should never feel moist.

Rain Gutters

Consider installing rain gutters as a precautionary measure against rain water accumulating along the foundation of your home. Rain gutters are very important in effort to keep rainfall away from the walls of your foundation. In addition, they help to achieve a dry environment free of odors, mold and mildew.

Although rain gutters can spill out, leak and run over, they are beneficial. The results are far preferred in comparison to the puddles of water that can develop and seep through the concrete foundation.

If you choose to install rain gutters, it is very important to perform regularly scheduled maintenance and cleanings to ensure the gutters do not become filled with dirt and leaves.


The landscaping around your home is more important than you think. By simply sloping the ground around the foundation of your home to a 20% angle, you will find the rainfall and groundwater freely flowing away from your home– in other words, protecting against the effects of water damage.

Weatherize Doors and Windows

When we think of the doors and windows of our homes, we often overlook the high amount of moisture we allow to enter into the home. There is an answer. Caulking is the most effective way to weatherproof the doors and windows of your.

With a simple tube of inexpensive caulking, you can help protect your home against unwanted moisture. This process should be completed routinely, about twice a year. There are also additional weatherproofing sealants on the market that are specially formulated and designed to better protect your home.

Leaky Spigots and Pipes

Most homeowners overlook the fact that an indoor or outdoor spigot that drips or leaks can add unwanted moisture to your home. Slightly leaking pipes is another common problem in basements that can and will create moisture in your basement. As a result, these little-leakers can cause mold, mildew, foul smells and odors.

If you discover a drip or leak– fix it! Always contact a professional plumber to repair the leak before it gets too big, and before the moisture has time to develop in your basement. It is far less expensive to repair drips or leaks than it is to repair or replace your foundation. Unfortunately, moisture can develop in a short amount of time. So get to the repairs as soon as possible.

Install a Drain

Installing a drain is a great investment that is easily installed around the foundation of your home. This will allow ground or rainwater to freely flow away from your foundation– protecting it from water seepage or damage.

A drain is a small ditch dug around your foundation, covered with gravel that redirects rain and ground water away from your foundation, protecting it and saving you money.


Waterproofing is a great decision for any homeowner-whether your basement is finished or not!